Project Details

Multilingual NLP project

Project : "Bonheur au travail"

This website was created to present the project “The multilingual life of words on the web” of the Programming and Supervised Project course in the Master Natural Language Processing (collaborative between the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations (INALCO), the university of Nanterre (Paris 10) and University Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris 3).

We have thought of the phrase “Happiness at work” because the working conditions are different in each country, we think that it is interesting to make discoveries and compare the results between 4 languages: English, French, Chinese, and Philipino.

This site presents the result of our project. You can browse our script, the tables for each language, as well as the different analyzes carried out with various tools, such as iTrameur, word clouds, bigram, etc.

Here's the website:
